Company Profile

Company Name Acme Electronics Corporation
Industry Electronic Parts/Components
Symbol ACME
Code 8121
Date of Listing 2005/02/17
Chairman Quintin Wu
General Manager Wu,Wen-Hao
Spokesman Vickie Wang
Title of Spokesman Asst. V. P.
Fiscal Year_end DEC 31
Accounting Firm Deloitte & Touche
CPA (Chartered Public Accountant)1 Chang, Cheng-Hsiu
CPA (Chartered Public Accountant)2 Chiu, Cheng-Chun
Address A8th Floor, No. 39, Ji-Hu Rd., Nei-Hu Dist., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Telephone 02-2798-0337
Fax 02-2659-9511
Email Address
Web Address