We pride ourselves as an original and innovative, industry-leading supplier of electronic materials, committed to providing low-cost, high value-added, high-quality products and services .
ACME Promise :
ACME Advantage:
.Efficient/Effective and excellent operation team
-Repeatable, reproducible, consistent, stable, and reliable manufacturing process as well as technical capabilities
-Comprehensive Lean and Reasonable Planning
-Neoteric automation of process and information technologies
-Continuous improvement in Six Sigma way for all employees
-Root cause analysis and problem solving to prevent the problem from recurring
.Reliable service support
-Close to customers, customer need-oriented technical service team
-Multiple factories in different countries/regions and the factories can complement each other for full-scale backup
-Optimal supply/value chain composition, while integrating global resource sharing and distribution
-Providing total solutions
-Paying attention to safety, environment, and sustainable business development philosophy
.Innovation and breakthrough, looking to the future
-Full-time R&D team and high proportion of R&D investment, dedicated material research and product application development
-Quick sample supply, customized flexibility with full degree of freedom
-Specializing in product improvement and new product development to fully meet customer needs
-A wide range of supply portfolio from super large products to very fine applications
-Focusing on collaborative development for customers so as to become your best partner for growing together